Differences in Colonial Government

viernes, 28 de enero de 2011

    Having difference of the government with the Colonist and the British brings future problems. Some differences are: that the British constitution was not a formal document it was more as a collection of laws and a tradition of many years and in the another side the Colonist were spelled out in a formal legal document such as a royal chart like Mayland, they also have informal agreements as Mayflower. In addition 2/3 of the Colonial men have the requierments to vote, and British men were only 1/4, making this a small amount of people that really could state their opinion by voting and in the Colony they were more people that express their desicions. In a certain way this comes together with the final problem.

    In the end of the 7 years war the British had 10,000 troops in North America at the end of the French and Indian War. The British felt they had, and were, spending a great deal of money to defend the colonies. These massive forces were needed to protect the Colonists from Indian attacks. By war's end, the British found themselves in debt to the tune of 140 million pounds, an enormous sum for those times. The British tried to address both their problems: governing and protecting the Colonists, as well as, keeping their costs down. The British official hope to change situationby taxting the Colonist and raise money by pay all the dept. Making the Colonist angry.

   The Colonist got angry because they have different ideas on the Government. The Colonist believed that they were all equal and they should be part in what taxes to pay. When the parlament tried to leived taxes on the Colonist mayor problems were created. Colonist believe that only their own elected officials had the right to leived taxes on them.They wanted to pay only the taxes they want  and to make their own laws. All this gives a contribution to the American Revolution.

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Nicole and Paola are two students that are forming this blog as an US History class project. Our teacher is an extraodinary and an imaginative person that looks for new strategies of teaching, like forming this blog. The main point of this blog is that in certain time you need to put information in the subject you must like in your classroom, about the American Revolution. So our objectives is to make the best in this blog, give you information, and put our best effort. Its really a pleasure to form this blog.

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