The Boston Tea Party

viernes, 11 de febrero de 2011

In 1770, American protests led to Parliament's for the Townshend duties, except for the duty on tea retained by the British as a matter of principle. The colonists demonstrated their indignation by stopping the tax of tea by drinking smuggled tea. The effectiveness of American resistance was shown in the discrimination in tea of British in the colonies. This drop the British tea over 70 percent in three years.

In 1773 Parliament passed the Tea Act, which gave the English East India Company a chance to make a plan to make British to break up. This Tea Act allowed the company to sell tea to the colonists at a low price, lower than the price of smuggled tea, even including the required duty. The British reasoned that the Americans would easily pay the tax if they were able to pay a low price for the tea.

On November 28 the Dartmouth arrived in Boston harbor with a cargo of Darjeeling tea. Samuel Adams and other radicals were determined that the pack would not be landed in the city. His mobs look the streets in the evenings, threatening violence if challenged by the authorities.

When this ship arrived to America the Colonists toke on their plan to boycott British tea. Their plan was to dress as British and to come to the harbor and destroyed all tea that British had brought, they through the tea into the ocean making a big loss of money for the British. This was called The Boston Tea Party.

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Nicole and Paola are two students that are forming this blog as an US History class project. Our teacher is an extraodinary and an imaginative person that looks for new strategies of teaching, like forming this blog. The main point of this blog is that in certain time you need to put information in the subject you must like in your classroom, about the American Revolution. So our objectives is to make the best in this blog, give you information, and put our best effort. Its really a pleasure to form this blog.

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